Tips to Build a Great Brand in the Market

Custom boxes with logo: The most important thing to building a great brand is to stay authentic and permanent. Knowing the basics of what you represent and offer will help you build trust between your customers and yourself.

Be aware of the basics of your brand:

See Deeply into Your Business

The best way to start creating your brand concept is to consider the interior of your business.

Don’t hide and take responsibility! Consider Pepsi, for example. They know well that they are facing the most formidable rival in the world. This requires brilliant branding and marketing. They may sell the same brand, but they will be named rival Coca-Cola. Pepsi’s 2019 Super Bowl ad “More Than OK” was a great move. They admit they are provocative but fully embrace the position by laughing at themselves.

Find the thing or even the only major thing that sets you apart from your competitors to stand out in the market. It could be the most minor, important thing, and if you can put it into a smart marketing strategy, it could be the beginning of a great brand idea.

Shapley is not unique in providing men’s soap made from natural ingredients. However, what makes them unique is their friendly and humorous marketing. They understood the message and developed a concept for their brand that is both self-aware and fun. Their 2018 campaign drew over 75 million viewers on YouTube.

Find Ideal Customer

Find Ideal Customers

If you started building your business, you probably have a concept that your ideal customers are about. The next step is to start thinking openly about how you can promote your company’s image.

Athena Club is an American company; their branding concept is a general feminist accent, aiming to dispel the stigma associated with menstrual flow. Their primary audience is the rich, eco-conscious women of the millennial generation; every aspect of their marketing campaign is created to inform and attract this specific population segment.

Pen15 is a show where Pen15 fits that eco-conscious alternative, the female demographics of New York; That’s why Athena Club designed a stunningly gorgeous and humorous campaign with Pen15 co-creator. The partnership between the brand and co-creator builds trust for their viewers.

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Design Basics of Brand

You can start creating your brand concept when you have mastered the basics of your brand.

Consider the Arla Foods as a case study to demonstrate every component of creating a brand concept and identity.


Before creating your brand name and logo, you should make a simple, concise mission statement or vision for your business. Make sure you keep things authentic; however, be aspirational too. You should add a logo to the packaging, which will help the customer recognize your brand and allow you to advertise your business.

Brand Name

It is crucial to ensure that you choose a brand name that is sufficiently distinctive but not ambiguous. Start by looking for your competitors and domain to find out what others are doing.

Brand Voice

Create a voice guide based on your purpose and potential customers to ensure that every point of contact for your brand stays the same.


A slogan conveys your business’s essentials in a short sentence. Creating a tagline is much easier when you know the tone of voice.

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Visual Design

Once all the words are set, it’s time to move on. Go through the objectives, mission statement, values, and voice guidance. Then start thinking about the visual communication of these concepts using colors, style, and typography.

A great way to start creating the visuals for your brand idea is to start your own Pinterest panel that shows the images you love and the style you think your customers will like.

Determine Your Audience

Together, your branding concept should encompass all your business or organization’s emotions, thoughts, and goals. Try it by engaging a part of your audience to determine how they react and change it in response to their comments. Once you have the basic idea you are happy with, you can build this basic idea to start creating your branding websites, packaging advertising, and more.

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